Hank Groff
Is the #1 “Frequency Advisor” on business and leadership, a best-selling author, and a keynote speaker helping people and companies achieve their primary objective by teaching them the power of
Frequency Transformation
Achieve Your Primary Objective.
Hank has helped others. Now, let him help you.
Everyone wants to improve their performance.. They may be lacking in leadership or have become distracted in their direction. They may be fighting business failure or slipping on the path of success. They all want to solve their problems, but they don’t know where to start. Why is that? Because they don’t have a “Frequency Map” to guide them to their desired destination in business or in life. And that’s why you need help.

Business & Leadership Advisor.
Hank has led over 100 companies in 12 countries to overhaul their growth model by designing new blueprints of transformational “Frequency Leadership”, followed by a systems-based strategy of change. What was the outcome? Check out the results…
Track Record:
Over the last two decades, Hank and the Haxakain leadership team have been retained to build or expand upon the national dealer programs of companies like ADT, Monitronics, Brinks Home, Defender, Guardian Protection, EMPWR Solar, American Water Resources, and Dynamark Monitoring. Not only did these programs extend coast-to-coast, but they created or upgraded their own training courses, cloud-based business portals, tracking systems, contests and conventions. Overall, the number of companies impacted exceeded 500 security dealers.
During a six-year period, catapulted Dynamark's annual revenues 560% to $11.1MM through a combination of brand building, organic growth, and key acquisitions
Increased EBITDA margin over 20% through volume growth, price increases, and cost reductions
In less than six years, Hank expanded a regional group of 97 security companies into a national network of over 700 wholesale and retail alarm dealers
Grew the dealer division an additional $2.57MM in new monthly revenues(RMR), which changed the annual contribution of the division from 10.3% to over 52% of Guardian Protection's annual production
Drove the cumulative growth of the dealer group's revenue portfolio by over 800% to $103MM in account valuation during a period of less than five years

Best-Selling Author.
Hank and his wife Aixa are the best-selling authors of the international hit THE MANHOOD FREQUENCY and he is the author of THE ONE DAY GIFT. Both of these personal development books have saved marriages and transformed men into better husbands, fathers, and leaders. He is currently working on his third book, which is part of the FREQUENCY TRANSFORMATION series.
Track Record:
Hank and his wife have coached numerous couples for the last 10 years on the benefits of relationship with the goal of having a successful marriage. They are certified SYMBIS marriage coaches.
Hank has been on several channels to share how his booked has helped men throughout the world including Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Europe, South America , and the United States.
Both books are sold on many outlets including Amazon, Audible, Barnes & Noble, and Spotify. They can be purchased in both English and Spanish and are in both written and audio format.
Keynote Speaker.
Over the last 25 years, Hank has been a speaker to major companies throughout the United States. His custom-crafted messages share many life experiences, including his years as a record-breaking Navy powerlifter, his days as a Mr. Jacksonville bodybuilding champion, and his nights as one of the famous NY Chippendales. He weaves funny and deeply moving stories into his messages about how Frequency Transformation can catapult your life from the selfish and empty, into the amazing!
Track Record:
Hank has been requested to come and speak to sales reps and their leaders during workshop training sessions and keynote speaking engagements on the power of changing your frequency. Defender Direct, ADT, Brinks Home, Monitronics, and many others have been inspired to “Be Transformed Into the Best YOU This World Will Ever Know”.
Hank has inspired more than 30 companies and their leaders through frank talks about what it means to be a Transformative Frequency Leader in our world today. He has personally coached dozens of business leaders from over 12 countries throughout the world. His books THE MANHOOD FREQUENCY and THE ONE DAY GIFT have inspired thousands to transform their lives.
Hank has steered many teens away from the darkness of drugs and death onto a path filled with hope and light. He has spoken to young people with FCA, Teen Challenge, Amway Leadership conventions, Acquire The Fire, and various young groups throughout America.
Voiceover Actor.
Since 1997, Hank has been a voiceover actor on numerous commercials and television shows, and currently, his work has exploded as a narrator on YouTube and other social media outlets. His rich, deep, authoritative sound is one of the top voices used in media sources throughout the world.
Track Record:
Hank started his career while attending college in the late 1990s. He was a narrator in the Jacksonville Florida market on the TV series JAX REAL ESTATE.
Hank has been both the face and the voice for commercials with JaxJobs.com, LifeShield Security Services, and restaurants in the Jacksonville market.
As Hank's voice has matured, social media has begun to pick up his voice and use it in various channels on YouTube, TikTok, Instagram & Facebook, commercials, and more

For more than three decades, Hank has either coached, advised, consulted, or served the following companies:

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